Studio Snapshot

Summer Social (Wearing Our New T-Shirts)

This year, we took half a day out for our summer social at Clifton Down, soaking up the sunshine with a BBQ and plenty of beers. We all enjoyed a good chat while playing rounders, cricket, and football, making the most of the break from our busy schedules. It’s great to have these moments that let you catch up with team members you don’t interact with every day. It was also a fun start for Callum, our new joiner, who had his first day with us (read his Q&A below).

We all sported Sam’s winning t-shirt design—a standout design that beautifully combined our Fanatic logo with a nod to The Tobacco Factory, where we have been based for the last 24 years.

What's new in the Design team?

3D Graphics for Harnham

Recently, we’ve been working with Harnham to design some new website pages, and as part of this project, we produced several 3D graphics to support each section of the site. Each graphic features a set of objects that reflect the subject matter, including desk plants and calendars for full-time workers or headsets and webcams for remote workers. We’re really pleased with the outcome and loved the opportunity to create 3D assets to support our design projects. Here’s a taster of what we did!

Bristol Bid OCS Map

Over the past couple of weeks, we worked with our long-standing client Bristol Bid to update the map we designed last year for the latest instalment of Old City Sounds (OCS) for 2024. This year, the one-day event spans more venues, showcasing a variety of musical genres and artists, which meant new locations needed to be added to the map design. Continuing with the playful style, we added new locations alongside some of the original illustrations we produced.

A new addition to our brief for 2024 was to design an accompanying programme for the day’s events and a colouring-in sheet based on the map for the kids’ zone. It’s always great to be part of Bristol-based projects, and we really enjoyed being involved with this one for the second year running.

Letterpress Workshop

This month, the Design team had the chance to spend an afternoon at a traditional letterpress workshop at Centrespace Gallery here in Bristol. They were given a run-through of the different letterpress machines and tools in the workshop, followed by a tutorial on wood-type letterpress. After this, they came up with a slogan to create some typography to print – they each decided on phrases often repeated in the design team.

The process of letterpress is intricate, precise, and highly satisfying, especially when the final output comes off the press. The team thoroughly enjoyed the experience and was really impressed with Nick, who ran the workshop.

See what the Development team have been up to

Farm Shop Went Live

Looking to expand their e-commerce capabilities, our client Artfarm, with their property Farm Shop, wanted to migrate from their old platform to a new system that could better support their growing operations. A brand new visual overhaul was done to link their online branding with their physical product branding present in their two stores.

Working alongside the many facets of the Farm Shop operation, from the marketing team to the warehouse fulfilment team, we built an e-commerce site that allows each level of the Farm Shop to use the platform to deliver the high-quality products and services they are known for.

The team delivered bespoke and technical solutions to get the absolute most out of the WooCommerce platform and ensure that the website is future-proof, so Farm Shop can extend and expand its e-commerce capabilities.

The latest news from the Digital Marketing team

Paid Social for Farly Market

Recently, we had the pleasure of working with Farly Market, a brand committed to sustainability and the joy of discovering unique market finds. Founder Farleigh Hungerford identified a gap in e-commerce—an easy way to find curated treasures online. Farly captures the essence of traditional shopping with a distinctive window display and celebrates creators through its ‘Spotlight Series,’ showcasing exclusive, limited-edition pieces and the stories behind them.

At Fanatic, our team has been working closely with Farly to develop and manage their paid social ads. As a newly established marketplace, Farly faced the challenge of gathering cost-effective data to build an engaged email list. We’ve been dedicated to helping them navigate this crucial phase, ensuring their marketing efforts efficiently funnel potential customers into a warm email list. Our partnership with Farly has been successful, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration and supporting their ongoing growth.

Sam B’s Client Visits

It’s always great to get the chance to catch up with clients face-to-face. It’s not just about running down a list of project priorities; it’s about all the parts of a conversation that happen in and around the formal stuff. Getting to see a number of incredible London venues in action is always worth the trip!

Sam met with Artfarm and Searcys, two of our hospitality clients. We’ve worked with both clients for a number of years across their digital estates, delivering design, websites, hosting, and digital marketing across collections of unique venues and restaurants. With locations across London to choose from, we were spoiled for choice for meeting spaces in Mayfair and Pall Mall.

Say Hi to Callum, Our New PPC Specialist

Our new PPC Specialist, Callum, joined us in the second week of August and has been settling in really well. Here’s a short Q&A to find out more about him.

What made you choose Fanatic, and how have you found it so far?

Fanatic seemed like the perfect next step in my career. I already had a solid foundation of knowledge in Paid Media, but here I have the opportunity to dive into some higher-spending campaigns and really deepen my understanding of the platforms we work on.

The part of the job I’ve enjoyed the most is being in a social, creative workspace. After working remotely for a while since moving to Bristol, it’s a great feeling to be back in the office.

What were you doing before Fanatic and what made you get into digital marketing?

Before joining Fanatic, I worked at a digital advertising agency in Exeter for over two years. I initially studied marketing at university before switching to a broader business degree, but marketing has always been my favourite area. When the opportunity came up to work in the industry at my previous company, I was eager to take it.

What’s one thing you’re looking forward to learning or achieving in your first few months with us?

I’ll be excited to take ownership of my first campaign, from crafting the initial ad copies to closely monitoring its performance and reporting this back to the client. It’ll be great to oversee the entire process.

Is there a particular piece of advice or philosophy that guides your professional life?

“I live my life a quarter mile at a time” – Dominic Toretto

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of work?

Nothing too exciting, but I’m a big Chelsea fan, so most of my weekends are filled with the usual disappointment of watching them play. I’m also a keen runner, training for a marathon in November, which I like to mention whenever I can.

What’s something fun or surprising about you that we wouldn’t guess?

I enjoy travelling and have visited 35 countries. I’m aiming to hit 40 by this time next year.

What is your favourite movie of all time?

Hot Fuzz – family classic

We've been visiting…

Phil, .Net Programmer<

Phil, .Net Programmer

Phil’s Solo Trip to Columbia

I recently spent some time exploring Colombia, visiting three incredible places. I started in Cartagena, where the colourful streets and historic sites made for a fantastic experience. Then, I headed to Tayrona National Park, where I enjoyed the stunning beaches and tranquil nature. Finally, I wrapped up my trip in Bogotá, soaking in the vibrant energy of the capital. It was a perfect blend of history, nature, and urban life!