Studio Snapshot

Fanatic T-Shirt Competition Winner Announced

We launched our 7th annual t-shirt competition in June, the most anticipated event on the Fanatic calendar. Everyone at Fanatic was invited to design a t-shirt based on a particular theme, and this year, we kept it simple. Participants were asked to create a design that revolved around the ‘FANATIC’ logo without deconstructing it.

This year, we received 7 very strong entries from across our different teams, all showcasing a creative and playful spin on the logo. Everyone in the company voted for their favourite design, ensuring the winning design reflects the team’s collective choice. In the end, Sam Wilkinson, our Lead Designer was announced the winner for the third time, closely followed by Annie, also on the Design team! However, we must also acknowledge our talented team of developers as their designs were very strong contenders in the competition, too. We are very lucky to have so many creatives at Fanatic!

What's new in the Design team?

VAION+ Go Live

Recently, we designed and built an e-commerce website for VAION+, a new company that sells NAD+ injector pens. This website required a mixture of skills from across the team, including design, UX, web build, and e-commerce setup and installation. We’re happy to say the website is now live and making sales! We are also looking forward to continuing to work with VAION+ and adding more functionality to the site in the future!

See what the Development team have been up to

We Are Now Cyber Essentials Certified

Fanatic have recently undergone stringent external auditing to become a fully Cyber Essentials Plus certified Digital Growth Partner.

While Cyber Essentials establishes protection against cyber threats by implementing fundamental security measures such as firewalls, secure configuration, user access control, malware protection, and patch management, Cyber Essentials Plus takes these measures a step further by involving an independent qualified auditor to ensure that the necessary security measures are in place, effectively implemented and operational.

As part of the audit, both internal and external vulnerability scans are performed on workstations, mobile devices and servers to confirm that security measures and configurations are correctly applied in the case of both internal and external malicious activity.

Welcome Sam O, Our New Developer (and the fourth Sam in Fanatic)

Say hi to Sam O, our newest member and the fourth Sam in Fanatic. It may look like we are collecting Sams, but it is purely coincidental!

How have you found life at Fanatic so far?

Excellent thanks, everybody has been very welcoming and friendly. I like the open plan office, and the fact that the office is very close to home doesn’t make commuting unpleasant. Even though we’ve got the great occasional working from home option, I’ve mainly opted to come in so far instead!

What were you doing before Fanatic, and what made you get into development?

I’ve been a developer for 15 years on and off now. Specifically, before Fanatic, I was working for an agency, but I left to do a year back at University. Before that, I ran my own small company for 3 years, where I made a lot of apps for events and music festivals, but that became a lot harder during lockdown.

Originally, I studied Music at University, which I’m still very passionate about in my spare time, and I got into development originally where I saw a gap in the arts industry for combining art with technology back in around 2010-2011.

What made you choose Fanatic?

Fanatic was the second company of several that I interviewed for. I had a very pleasant first remote interview with Craig, the Lead Developer, whilst I was away performing in Norway. I got a good feeling about the agency from the beginning and also found it very impressive that they’d been active and growing for 23 years, when the average lifespan of digital agencies is normally less than 10.

After my third interview, by which point I’d met all three Directors and Rob, the Studio Manager, I realised I’d gotten on with all of them (including an extended one with Ian, during which we had a great chat about music), I’d made up my mind. The proximity to home and how much I generally enjoy this area of South Bristol were the icing on the cake.

What have you enjoyed most so far?

I’m a full-stack developer, but I’ve always focused on the back end, as it was all I did for the first four years or so that I became a developer. It’s been refreshing working here, as the general balance between frontend and backend development is very balanced. So, in the morning, I might be doing some server configuration and the same afternoon creating some cool animation effects. I find this a great way to keep work engaging and fresh!

What are you looking forward to learning more about?

Fanatic offers a great time for R&D on Friday afternoons, and I’ve been taking the opportunity in my spare time to learn more about Amazon Web Services and Laravel. These are some tools used here that I’ve only had a year or so of experience with, so it’s great to have the chance to develop those skills more.

What’s an interesting fact about you?

I played trumpet at the Royal Albert Hall during the Proms when I was 17, performing with the Devon Youth Jazz Orchestra. We won a national competition, where all the Youth Jazz Orchestras in the country performed at the NEC in Birmingham, and we were judged the best! It’s definitely something I won’t forget anytime soon.

Fractal Pattern Library

The Fractal Pattern Library streamlines workflow by breaking down complex UIs into reusable components, speeding up development and ensuring consistent design across projects. Its living style guide keeps design documentation up-to-date, which is invaluable for client presentations. It provides an accurate and interactive showcase of our design system.

Fractal enhances collaboration between design and development teams by offering a shared space for design components, simplifying handoffs, and improving communication. It integrates seamlessly with our existing tools, maintaining an efficient workflow.

The latest news from the Digital Marketing team

Upskilling Through DMI Courses

Learning is a continuous journey, particularly in the dynamic world of digital marketing, where staying updated is essential. To keep pace, our Digital team has begun participating in courses offered by the Digital Marketing Institute (DMI), each specifically tailored to meet individual members’ needs. We’ve chosen the ‘Pro Level’ courses, which involve about 30 hours of learning followed by a challenging 2-hour exam. Successfully passing these exams will earn team members a valuable certification. The courses span various topics, including search marketing, strategy, social media, and email marketing. The team is thoroughly enjoying learning and going through the interactive modules. Whilst some are dreading the exam, others are looking forward to it!

Stretching Into Yoga

Recently, the Digital team has started attending yoga classes every Wednesday. Yoga offers numerous benefits, from stress management to enhancing flexibility, strength, and balance. For a team that spends most of their day behind computers, it’s a great way to improve posture and overall well-being. These new sessions have not only helped us physically but also provided a much-needed mental break. Whether it’s mastering a new pose or simply enjoying the calm, each class leaves us feeling refreshed.

We've been honeymooning…

Sam W, Lead Designer<

Sam W, Lead Designer

Sam W Enjoyed His Honeymoon in Mexico

Recently, Sam went on his honeymoon to Mexico. While he was there, he explored ancient Mayan cities, swam in underground flooded caves and explored the surrounding areas. What a trip!