February 23, 2018



This week is Bristol Social Media week with events happening across the city (you can find out more here), so we thought we would round up our thoughts on how social media is still a widely underused tool for helping to grow your business.

1. Optimising for mobile is majorly important

People click through to websites every day from social media, so it’s majorly important that when you do generate traffic that your site can effectively convert it into sales and enquiries. Too much time can be invested in social media activity when an unresponsive site not designed for mobile users can turn potential customers away. Find out more about how to design for mobile here. No mobile option? Usually, that means no sale.

2. Social Media is for all brands.

No matter who you are or what your business does, your audience, somewhere, will be on Social Media. However it takes time, and an understanding our your sector and audience to be able to get the reach and visibility your brand deserves, by carving out your own niche, all supported by engaging content.

3. Social Media is here to stay

Never, ever discount Social Media – with a new user every 15 seconds, Social Media won’t be going away anytime soon. However, with every new user, it gets harder to stand out from the crowd and generate meaningful business-centric traffic to your site. To overcome this, you need a proper strategy, based on analytics and understanding of what your audience wants to see from brands.

4. Good customer service has never been more important

Being active and friendly to potential customers is one of the biggest parts of a Social Media strategy. Whether you’re getting negative, or positive feedback, being transparent and positive while sorting issues can increase your engagement online and increase the chance of your followers being brand advocates.

5. Great graphics leads to great things

It goes without saying that the more interesting your brand comes across on social media, the more shares you will get. In a sea of content, you need to be highlighting what makes you different from your competitors. Why not create some bespoke and in-depth content, like a video or infographic? More shares = higher reach, and that’s what we want.

Interested in seeing what we can do for you in regards to Social Media? Click here to find out more.

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